Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:

> Hi!
> http://orgmode.org/Changes.html tells me that org-make-link has been
> deleted.
> I am using following lines to add links to references I manage using
> Org-mode: (from [1])
> ,----
> | (defun org-ref-complete-link (&optional arg)
> |   "Create a reference link using completion."
> |   (let (file link)
> |        (setq file (read-file-name "ref: " "~/archive/papers_from_web/"))
> |        (let ((pwd (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name ".")))
> |          (pwd1 (file-name-as-directory (abbreviate-file-name
> |                         (expand-file-name ".")))))
> |          (setq file (string-replace "~/archive/papers_from_web/" "" file))
> |          (setq file (string-replace pwd "" (string-replace pwd1 "" file)))
> |          (setq file (string-replace ".bib" "" file))
> |          (setq file (string-replace ".pdf" "" file))
> |          (setq link (org-make-link "ref:" file)))
> |     link))
> `----
> Can somebody with more knowledge than me suggest, what I should do
> instead?

Replace it with concat, I think. That's all that org-make-link used to do:

| (defun org-make-link (&rest strings)
|   "Concatenate STRINGS."
|   (apply 'concat strings))

In fact the commit says:

| commit 96551f3dd8885dee6972c70ce06888fd3d5f4dd4
| Author: Bastien Guerry <b...@altern.org>
| Date:   Fri Aug 3 19:03:21 2012 +0200
|     Delete `org-make-link' and replace previous occurrences by `concat'.


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