I have a journal file defined in my capture templates like this ("j" "journal" entry (file+datetree "journal.org")
Is there any way I can somehow get org-mobile to refile to this on org-mobile-pull? Id like my captures to turn up in my agenda journal by default. Or failing that have refile refile from a standard refile.org to journal in the correct datetree location? As it is if I refile from refile.org to my journal.org it's not reformatted and placed correctly in the datetree format : instead its placed as a top level item with the wrong kind of date stamp to appear in the journal. One problem as I see it is that captures on the iPhone only feature a date and thats on the second line of the capture put into your refile after the org pull. This doesnt have the necesary time granularity. I'd be interested in a prvate email with anyone using org-mobile a lot to share experiences and maybe hand hold a little.