James Harkins <jamshar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Okay, I've just about gotten that WebDAV service set up for mobileorg
> sync. I can both GET and PUT files using cadaver. But org-mode isn't
> talking to it properly.

But from what you show below, you are not using cadaver (or anything
webdav-related for that matter) to do the copying. You are using
scp: *that*'s what you've got to get working.

> According to [1] ("[user]" is a substitute for the real http user name):
> org-mobile-directory: /scpc:**user**@localhost:80/webdav/

This looks wrong - if you try it with scp from the command line, can
you copy a file to that destination?

> Then org-mobile-push gets further:
> Loading tramp...done
> Tramp: Opening connection for [user]@localhost using scpc...
> Tramp: Sending command `exec ssh -l [user]  -o 
> ControlPath=/tmp/tramp.26688vS.%r@%h:%p -o ControlMaster=yes -e none 
> localhost'
> Tramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell
> Tramp: Sending password
> Tramp: Sending command `exec ssh -l [user]  -o 
> ControlPath=/tmp/tramp.26688vS.%r@%h:%p -o ControlMaster=yes -e none 
> localhost'
> Tramp: Found remote shell prompt on `localhost'
> Tramp: Opening connection for [user]@localhost using scpc...done
> ... but chokes on something surprising:
> org-mobile-check-setup: Variable `org-mobile-directory' must point to an 
> existing directory
> Huh? [1] clearly says:
>   (setq org-mobile-directory "/scpc:u...@remote.host:org/webdav/")
> ... but:
>   (unless (and org-mobile-directory
>              (stringp org-mobile-directory)
>              (string-match "\\S-" org-mobile-directory)
>              (file-exists-p org-mobile-directory)
>              (file-directory-p org-mobile-directory))
>     (error
>      "Variable `org-mobile-directory' must point to an existing directory"))
> I suppose I can hack it by putting the physical location of the webdav share 
> into org-mobile-directory. But, the documentation seems incompatible with the 
> current behavior.

Where does org-mobile-directory point to if not the "physical location
of the webdav share"? The tramp stuff doesn't know or care about webdav
at all: it is just the mechanism that copies files from your local
machine to some other machine, so it needs to know exactly where to copy
it to.


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