Here are a couple of patches for org-taskjuggler.el

My main goals with these were to:

 - be able to leverage SCHEDULE/DEADLINE information, so as to be able
   to leverage org timelines in complement to the reports

 - be able to #+BIND some of the exporter variables (such as the

 - be able to define reports in the org file itself, without having to
   mess with a custom variable

Any feedback is highly welcome.


Yann Hodique (10):
  org-taskjuggler: make task and resource properties customizable
  org-taskjuggler: properly install local variables at export time
  org-taskjuggler: make use of org properties
  org-taskjuggler: task with end-only is also a milestone (deadline)
  org-taskjuggler: introduce a global header, for early macros
  org-taskjuggler: use project end date, if specified
  org-taskjuggler: make project umbrella task optional
  org-taskjuggler: disambiguate "headline", as it's also a valid
    taskjuggler property
  org-taskjuggler: allow reports definition from within the org file
  org-taskjuggler: update doc to reflect latest changes

 doc/org.texi            |  48 ++++++++++------
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el | 145 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)


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