
I'm back wanting to specify per-export image formats again.

I learned about macros in org-mode and I have found a half-solution:

#+MACRO: himg #+HTML: <a name="$1"><center><img width="100%" src="$2.svg" 
alt="$3"/> $3</center></a>
#+MACRO: limg #+LATEX: 

I then call each macro explicitly:

{{{limg(fig:overview,dataflow,Overview of the data flow.)}}}
{{{himg(fig-overview,dataflow,Overview of the data flow.)}}}

It works but has a few warts:

0) It totally subverts org-mode's figure markup.

1) So far I think I must use two macro calls thus annoyingly repeating
data.  Can macros be nested?  Can they have newlines?

2) I prefer "fig:label" type labels in LaTeX but the HTML export
apparently forms the link translating ":" to "-".  So, this must be
taken into account when the macros are called.

Any other ideas?


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