Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:


>> Thanks.  It's wonderful writing letters with the new latex exporter.
>> You should consider adding it to org_contrib.

> On the other hand, I think that Org deserves a serious letter
> package. If you want to maintain and improve it, I'm all for adding it
> to contrib directory.

Nicolas, I would like to take a look at the code. I've been raking my
brain on how to add support for the .LO/.LT Groff macros being that they
break convention to covers and memorandum types. 

>> * my-encl                                                    :appendix:
>> #+latex:\encl{
>>         - doc 1
>>         - doc 2
>> #+latex:}
>> #+end_src

> The #+latex: ... parts are ugly. You may implement
> an #+attr_koma: :enclosure t syntax, for example.

This one I can use to enclose the .NS calls (that's how enclosures are
marked in Groff). Right now there's support for Closure and Signature, but
enclosures or carbon copy  marks need to be added using Groff code.  

> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (org-element-map
>   (plist-get info :parse-tree) 'headline
>   (lambda (h) 
>     (and (member "appendix" (org-export-get-tags h info))
>          h))
>   info)
> #+end_src

Oh, so that's the magic trick :).  I was wondering for a good way to do
implement abstracts, but I should be able to use it to use it
for addresses as well. 

Thanks for sharing. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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