I became annoyed at how, when pressing M-Q (fill-paragraph) while in a 
block like this:

#+CAPTION: This is a really long caption that I need
#+CAPTION: to describe my table in excruciating and unnecessary detail

Org takes no account of the #+ directives and simply smooshes all the 
lines together like this:

#+CAPTION: This is a really long caption that I need +CAPTION: to describe my
#table in excruciating and unnecessary detail

So I wrote the following function. I have it bound to M-q in org-mode.
Its behaviour:
1. It wraps a series of #+CAPTION lines as if the caption directives are
not there -- ie it turns the above example into:

#+CAPTION: This is a really long caption that I need to describe my table in
#+CAPTION: excruciating and unnecessary detail

2. It ignores other #+XXX: directives, ie no filling is performed.
3. In every other context it behaves as 'fill-paragraph'.


(defun org-smart-wrap (&optional width)
  (let ((lines nil)
        (width (or width (- fill-column 11)))
        (start nil) (end nil))
       ((and (eql major-mode 'org-mode)
               (looking-at "#\\+\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\):")))
         ((not (string-equal (match-string 1) "CAPTION"))
          (message "`#+%s' directive found, fill command ignored."
                   (substring-no-properties (match-string 1))))
          ;; Wrap caption.
            (while (line-starts-with-p "#\\+CAPTION:")
              (forward-line -1))
            (unless (line-starts-with-p "#\\+CAPTION:")
            (setf start (point))
            (while (line-starts-with-p "#\\+CAPTION:")
              (search-forward "#+CAPTION:" (end-of-line-pos) t)
              (push (org-trim
                     (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (end-of-line-pos)))
            (setf end (point))
            (setf lines (mapcar
                         (lambda (line) (concat "#+CAPTION: " line))
                          (apply 'concat
                                 (mapcar (lambda (line) (concat line " "))
                                         (reverse lines)))
            (delete-region start end)
            (dolist (line lines)
              (insert line)

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