Hi, In this minimal example ----------org-mode file start------------------------#+OPTIONS: toc:nil#+AUTHOR:#+DATE:* Level 1 :PROPERTIES: :ID: 527b694d-8288-4d37-a06a-a288bd9592b5 :END:This is level 1 with ID {{{property(ID)}}}** Level 2 :PROPERTIES: :ID: 1cf7847a-0977-4f18-8dc1-c3058a89a596 :END:This is level 2 with ID {{{property(ID)}}}*** Level 3 :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2b9390ca-17ea-452f-be68-28c134dd376e :END:This is level 3 with ID{{{property(ID)}}}----------org-mode file end -------------------
if I do org-export then "1"(subtree) then "d"(LaTeX) with the cursor in the "Level 2" heading, I get "Level 2" as document title, but the ID value is not evaluated so I get {{{property(ID)}}} instead. The level 3 ID value is correctly exported. Any hint to solve it?