Hi, I need a little help with mobile-org and webdav. (I need to use webdav because I live year-round in China, and the last time I tried, dropbox was not accessible from the mainland. In any case, I prefer to keep the data local.)
I've set up the webdav server following the instructions here: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-webdav-with-apache2-on-ubuntu-10.04 This guide suggests two tests: connecting to webdav at the command line using cadaver, and using "connect to server" in Ubuntu's nautilus (Ubuntu 12.04). In both of those tests, I can authenticate successfully to the server. In Emacs, I made sure the org files I want to sync are under org-directory, and I think I set up the rest okay according to: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#mobileorg_webdav Org Mobile Files: Hide Value [X] org-agenda-files [ ] org-agenda-text-search-extra-files State: STANDARD. Files to be staged for MobileOrg. More Org Mobile Directory: Hide Value /scpc:hjhmbrg@ State: SAVED and set. The WebDAV directory where the interaction with the mobile takes place. Org Mobile Inbox For Pull: Hide Value ~/Documents/mobileorg/from-mobile.org State: SAVED and set. But pushing from orgmode refuses to accept the password. I know I'm typing in the correct password because it works with cadaver and "connect server." I also tried the staging approach. Same problem. The org files are staged successfully. Then there's a pop-up window for the OpenSSH password, but again, if I type the exact same password I used with "sudo htpasswd," it fails to authenticate. Note again that it is *not* a general webdav problem -- I can authenticate by other methods, but whatever org is doing to log in, it isn't working. Any ideas? hjh -- James Harkins /// dewdrop world jamshar...@dewdrop-world.net http://www.dewdrop-world.net "Come said the Muse, Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted, Sing me the universal." -- Whitman blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words audio clips: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/audio more audio: http://soundcloud.com/dewdrop_world/tracks