I recently inquired with someone at an R meetup group about how to make an update-persistant repo for my R libraries. He suggested creating a file ~/.Renviron with the contents:
.--- | R_LIBS=C:/Users/a1rwhzz/Documents/R `--- I did this and it works great from the R program via my Windows start shortcut, but not from Emacs/ESS which is what Org-mode looks for. I thought I'd ask here as surely some of you have done this. I think the primary issue is that Emacs defines ~/ as C:/Users/uname/AppData/Roaming whereas the R program seems to define it as C:/Users/uname/Documents (which is also C:/Users/uname/My Documents). Suggestions? Also, since I created this file, my CRAN mirror GUI picker no longer pops up with install.packages(). I'm thinking there has to be a more robust way. Do you typically start R in the same directory each time when using ESS/Org-mode? Thanks for any suggestions, John