Hi, Org people.

GitHub has a few niceties, like easy forking, pull requests and such.  I
notice https://github.com/jwiegley/org-mode in particular, which does
not seem to be itself a fork of another GitHub repository, so I presume
it forked directly from the official Git site for Org mode, which itself
does not provide the same collaboration facilities as GitHub.

The GitHub home page for John Wiegly says the org-mode project was
updated two weeks ago, so I suspect it lags on the official Git site.  A
message on the mailing list speaks of this repository as the home for
Org-X, so I also suspect this fork is not genuine, and not a way to get
on GitHub the real, pure, Org mode.

In the Org project, how commits are usually transmitted?  I would not
think maintainers are pulling our various repositories in theirs to then
consider cherry picking, and it would require that we all set up Git
servers.  We could use GitHub as a way to avoid servers, but it feel
strange using GitHub to communicate with Org maintainers while they do
not themselves choose to keep an "official" mirror of Org on GitHub.

Commits are going to be sent as email apply-able patches?  Maybe this is
all documented somewhere already, and I just did not read enough?


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