On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 7:41 PM, c b <24x7x...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using org-mode with emacs(23) for about a year now and love it.
> However, sometime in the last couple of weeks, I did a git pull  on the 
> master branch (and I redid the same today) and noticed that my recurring 
> tasks are broken.
> E.g.
> I have a task
> ** TODO Pay Creditcard bill
>    DEADLINE: <2012-05-15 Tue +1m -7d>
> and when I marked it done, it changed state to DONE
> ** DONE Pay Creditcard bill
>    CLOSED: [2012-05-18 Fri 22:13] DEADLINE: <2012-05-15 Tue +1m -7d>
> I have been trying to figure out what went wrong, but am clueless. Any 
> pointers on what might be wrong, would be appreaciated.

I don't use this much, but have been contemplating it and thus the
various org-mode pages on repeating tasks are somewhat fresh in my
head. Here was my initial thought:

- The org-mode manual itself on repeated tasks does not mention that
kind of repeating task syntax
--- http://orgmode.org/manual/Repeated-tasks.html#Repeated-tasks
--- Only +1, ++1, and .+1 are discussed

- The /org-habit/ page, on the other hand, does mention such syntax
(well, kind of)
--- http://orgmode.org/manual/Tracking-your-habits.html
--- Note that this page uses .+2d/4d syntax

Anyway, I very likely missed something, but I can't find the specific
syntax you're looking for in the manual sections above. If the
functionality of org-habit /does/ do what you want, perhaps you could
switch to that? If you use this syntax widely, that could be a pain.

Let me know what you think? Also, please point to the documentation
illustrating the +1m -7d usage. I'd like to see it as well as I'm
curious about the various time stamp options.


> The "org-todo-repeat-to-state" variable in my setup is not set (i.e. it is 
> the default)
> Thanks,
> c.b

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