Greetings!! I run "make oldorg" to generate org-install.el and have following in my init file, everything is working fine(I believe).
(require 'org-install) I have few questions about installation procedure though. 1. Is the above snippet is all that is needed to load org.? suppose I want to use org-inlinetask.el, It seems I need to have (require 'org-inlinetask) or (add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-inlinetask) or is there better way.? IMO org-modules variable can be documented in the installation section[1] for better visibility. 2. I see few interactive functions are present in source files(for eg., org-inlinetask-promote) with no autoload cookies and thus not generated in org-install.el. I thought its good idea to put autoload cookie for every interactive function. what is the rationale for autoload cookies in emacs.? I am asking this because if those functions have autoload(ed) I wouldn't (probably) need extra configuration in my init file. 3. why is contrib folder not byte compiled with make.? It seems there is no argument for make to do this. Thanks., Footnotes: [1] -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు YYR