Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte <eric.schu...@gmx.com> wrote:

> I am currently writing my dissertation (proposal) in Org-mode.  So far
> it is working very well for me, I can export to both PDF for more formal
> submissions to my adviser and to HTML for less formal posting to a web
> page.  I keep *all* of my reading notes as Org-bibtex headlines in a
> single large reading.org file.  I have a (somewhat complex) system
> whereby I am able to reference these bibtex entries from the
> dissertation and automatically generate the required .bib file as part
> of my document export process.  One nice side effect of this setup has
> been the ability to do a fun graphical export of my references [1].
> My entire dissertation directory is in a public git repository [2], you
> may find my Makefile [3] useful (although again I should warn you that
> my particular setup may be needlessly complex).

Thanks for your helpful advice!  Your org-bibtex setup in particular
looks like exactly what I need.  (Your dissertation proposal looks very
interesting, too!)

I think what I will do is stick with Org for now, and try to be smarter
about a few things (like the #+LABEL command...which I must have read
about at some point but forgotten) so that, if I ever need to drop down
to straight LaTeX, it will be easy to make the switch.  You've given me
a helpful example to follow.


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