I've been looking at the bugpile Worg page (very nice page - good work
Thorsten or whomever) and don't see why you say:
> I don't see how github could use such
> a setup to produce HTML files from Org (unless github runs an Emacs
> batch query for exporting HTML... which seems very unlikely - and
> wrong by design anyway.
I understand that Emacs is a bit of a behemoth in terms of CPU when
being started and always in terms of memory. That being said, why does
it seem "wrong by design" to have Github running an Emacs server and
sending Org --> HTML jobs to it with emacsclient?
Just a head's up, once you answer the above question, I'm going to ask
you what can be done to fix the problem :-)
Neil Smithline
Proud GNU Emacs user since 1986, v. 18.24.
On 4/26 03:57 , Bastien wrote:
Hi Neil,
Neil Smithline <> writes:
I've run into this problem dealing with the weak presentation of Org Mode
files on Github. Github uses the Ruby gem org-ruby
( to convert .org files to HTML. I've
added a feature or two to org-ruby but really feel that trying to
completely re-implement Org Mode in a Ruby gem is a losing battle.
What will help org-ruby (and github's support of org files) is to
stabilize the syntax of .org files as much as possible. We are
currently working in this direction.
org-ruby's main job is to convert .org files into HTML or textile files.
If I understand the project correctly, a working iOrg could be used to
support Github's rendering of .org files. Github could just drop the use of
org-ruby and use iOrg as an external converter for formatting .org files.
As I understand it, iOrg will convert .org files to HTML using the
internal Org's HTML exporter. I don't see how github could use such
a setup to produce HTML files from Org (unless github runs an Emacs
batch query for exporting HTML... which seems very unlikely - and
wrong by design anyway.
Let's see how iOrg evolves but let's stick to the bugpile for now.
If the list can specifically help about org-ruby issues, let's help!
All best,
PS: And the answer is "Yes. I am aware that vehemently suggesting a project
is equivalent to offering to help with it." :-D
Good :)