Bastien <> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> Eric Fraga <> writes:
>> Specifically, I have added
>>    (require 'org-export)
>>    (require 'org-e-latex)
>> to my org customisation.  Then, while visiting a read only file, I try
>>    M-x org-export-dispatch RET p
> Mhh.. I can't reproduce this error with latest Org.

Arghhh.  Strange.

>> and I get the error:
>> ,----
>> | org-refresh-category-properties: Buffer is read-only: #<buffer 
>> `----
> Maybe you have a hook which call this function?

I do not believe so.  Grepping for "category" in my .el files (including
custom variable setting) finds nothing org related.

Obviously, I can try emacs -Q etc and will do so later this weekend

In the meantime:

> In any case, as the other place where `org-refresh-category-properties'
> is called is `org-prepare-agenda-buffers' and those buffers might be
> read-only (for some obscure reason), I pushed a fix that make sure 
> `org-refresh-category-properties' can modify the buffer correctly.
> Please let me know if this fixes your problem.

Actually, I have updated (one minute ago) and the problem has now
changed!  I now get this error:

| and: Wrong type argument: stringp, (latex-fragment (:value 
"\\ref{sec:evaporative}" :begin 11957 :end 11978 :post-blank 0))

and I have no idea what is happening here.  For this error, I do get a
debug trace but it is rather long and my org file has material I cannot
post. The old exporter still works perfectly fine.

I will try emacs -Q later and will also see if I can come up with a
minimal example that fails in the same way as my longer confidential


: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.8.09 (release_7.8.09-392-ge02226 @ 

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