Hello, #+TITLE: Example with org-mode and flyspell on. #+AUTHOR: Vladimir Lomov
* Org-mode src blocks and flyspell I faced with strange problem with Emacs and org-mode. In my real example I use src blocks and run =C-c '= to edit them in native mode (shell). If I enter into native mode, put new line and immediately run =C-c '= to return to org document Emacs hangs and consume all available memory (RAM and SWAP). Curiously that such behavior see only with revno 108012. In echo area I see message: #+BEGIN_QUOTE Error in post-command-hook (flyspell-post-command-hook): (error "Marker does not point anywhere") #+END_QUOTE This is extract from my document: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code _num=${1:=_num} _num=$(( _num%5 )) #+END_SRC I enter into block, run =C-c '=, add new line between lines and run immediately =C-c '= again. If I open the file again in Emacs and run =M-x flyspell-mode= (in echo area I see 'flyspell disable') and do the same — I again get hang and memory consumption. If I commented the line in mine .emacs file: (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode) and tried again — all works fine. Is this known behavior or new "bug"? ** Info Emacs: build from BZR (rev. 108012+) vs GTK3; org-mode: packaged from git and installed in my system (Archlinux). P.S. I reported this here because don't know how to trigger similar behavior without org-mode. --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov -- If you notice that a person is deceiving you, they must not be deceiving you very well.