Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> writes:

... a very interesting philosophical email!


> level. I then asked myself "What the heck is a system" and what is the
> relationship it has with "process", "methodology" and "frameworks" ?


Others have answered to some degree or another but I thought I'd throw
in my view (as somebody that dabbles in systems... ;-):

- system :: the set of units (building blocks) *and* their interconnections
- process :: what the system actually "does"
- framework :: the structure on which to /instantiate/ systems
- methodology :: the /guide/ for using the framework to build a system

but the boundaries between these different concepts or views are indeed
fuzzy as it is difficult to talk about any single aspect without
reference to the others.

relating this to org, org is a system implemented on the framework
provided by emacs (elisp) which allows one to execute a number of
different processes (GTD, LP, publishing, ...).  the methodology is
rather less well defined ;-)

This is a really nice point at which to stop reading my backlog of org
mailing list messages!  Time for bed now. Good night all.

: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.8.06 (release_7.8.06.181.g67694.dirty)

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