Hi, While hacking around I read the doc for org-properties-postprocess-alist and I think it doesn't align with what the implementation of org-set-property does.
The example in the docstring says: (("Remaining" (lambda(value) (let ((clocksum (org-clock-sum-current-item)) (effort (org-duration-string-to-minutes (org-entry-get (point) "Effort")))) (org-minutes-to-hh:mm-string (- effort clocksum)))))) But in order for this to work with the implementation I think it would need to be : (("Remaining" ((lambda(value) (let ((clocksum (org-clock-sum-current-item)) (effort (org-duration-string-to-minutes (org-entry-get (point) "Effort")))) (org-minutes-to-hh:mm-string (- effort clocksum))))))) Adding extra parens around the lambda expression in the example to make it a list. Either that or the implementation of org-set-property should change to : $ diff org.el org.el.new 14593c14593 < (fn (assoc property org-properties-postprocess-alist))) --- > (fn (cdr (assoc property org-properties-postprocess-alist)))) 14596c14596 < (when fn (setq value (funcall (cadr fn) value))) --- > (when fn (setq value (funcall fn value))) What do you think? ~>Bill