Rafael Villarroel <rvf0...@gmail.com> writes:

> I think there might be a bug related to the recent changes in the agenda
> code, since it has just appeared in the last days. The following are
> minimal steps: (Ubuntu 11.10, GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+
> Version 2.24.5) of 2011-08-14 on rothera, modified by Debian, Org
> version just pulled: Org-mode version 7.8.09 (release_7.8.09.230.gec7b))
> With the following file, say simpleorg.el
> ------------
> (setq debug-on-error t
>       debug-on-signal nil
>       debug-on-quit nil)
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/Downloads/org-mode/lisp")
> (require 'org-install)
> ------------
> and a ~/diary file containing only:
> ------------
> &%%(org-diary)
> -------------
> and starting with 'emacs -Q -l simpleorg.el'
> Then M-x diary gives:
> Bad sexp at line 1 in ~/diary: (org-diary)

FWIW, using the tip from
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2012-04/msg00702.html to
go back to a previous state, I can confirm that commit
3bd1c2e9bff539c94f92f1ec919f8f0f1640f8c0 is good and that commit
973efcd9c9f5a29ffc9db2c317fab44112a97b07 introduced the error described

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