Hi Nicholas,

(btw, do you prefer "Nick" or "Nicholas"?)

Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> writes:

> None of this is an argument for leaving the manual as is: if you had a
> problem finding the information, then others will too, so the manual
> should be improved.


> But the information is there, and moreover, learning how to find it in
> this instance has the huge advantage of teaching one how to find it for
> all the other options as well.  The question as always is how far to go
> in documenting all the options: it would be good to document them all
> (as Bastien would say: "patches are welcome"), but is it better to learn
> searching tricks or to submit patches to improve the doc? Each one of us
> would probably answer that question differently (we have different
> "breaking points"). 

The "how far" question is related to the "where" question.

- The Org compact guide: "vital" options should be there.  This guide
  should also point to the manual for further exploration.

- The Org manual: the most used/useful options should be there.  The
  manual should point to a specific Worg page for more.

- Worg: anything else.

Of course, "vital" and "used/useful" are moving targets, but that's why
we have the mailing list and the discussions.  To shoot them together.

What we really *really* is a good tutorial on how to digg all the
documentation aspects of Emacs.  Basically, how to go from checking the
manual to checking with C-h v and other functions.

Any taker?

> So you might prepare a doc patch (please do!) - I
> might go on a searching expedition and find things you didn't [fn:1].
> The first one benefits everybody, the second one benefits mainly me, but
> sometimes I can find a teaching moment and tell other people how to do
> something: which is why I spent a half-hour writing this :-) [fn:2]

I hope the community realizes how precious are all these hours that you
spent in patiently fighting with everyone issues...  at least here, this
is immensely appreciated!  So, thanks again for this.


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