Martin Halder <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> trying to use a function to output a latex file using python with =
> #+call.
> The example below does work but when pycalltest gets too big it just =
> output "nil".
> When I call pycalltest directly with C-c C-c it works even with a big =
> function.
> Is there a size limit when I use #+call ?
> Thanks for help,
> Martin
> #+name: =
> pycalltest(trans=3Dtranslation,items=3Ditems,cust=3Dcustomer,deta=3Ddetail=
> s,lang=3D"german",cur=3D"chf")
> #+begin_src python :results output
> execfile('')
> print lx_config
> #+end_src
> #+call: pycalltest(translation,items,customer,details,"german","chf") =
> :file "test.tex"

Can you please provide all the pieces needed to run this? I presume at least is needed - anything else?


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