Johnny <> writes:

> Nick Dokos <> writes:
>> Johnny <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> When evaluating src blocks, the #+RESULTS: are inserted just below the
>>> code block, but some expressions generate long lists; thus:
>>> 1) How can I fold the RESULTS block? (I have tried the regular tab way
>>> and searched the manual, but can't find it. Apologies if it should be
>>> obvious!)
>> TAB on the #+RESULTS: line folds the results block for me.
> This actually works in org-mode 7.7 on my netbook, but not in
> org-mode- on my desktop.
>>> 2) Is there any way to get the results in a folded output by default? 
>> Not that I know of.
> I fond the org-babel-result-hide-all in org-mode 7.7 which may can be
> used in a hook, but it doesn't exist in org-mode It would be
> nice to specify in the rource block header if results should be folded
> by default or not.
>>> 3) Can I erase /all/ RESULTS in an org-file by single command?
>> [answered previously - repeated for completeness]
>> M-x org-babel-remove-result RET

An unexpected (?) behaviour is that this works fine, but if i hide and
show (TAB twice) on the results and run the command, it doesn't remove
the results.

> Is this behaviour expected and which org-mode are you using?



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