Hi Suvayu,

suvayu ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I am having conflicts AUCTeX when I try to open plain latex files after
> I exporting an org file to latex. These are the exact steps.
> 1. Start Emacs as: emacs -q (so that the site files load and I have
>    auctex available).
> 2. Open any org file and export to latex, C-c C-e l.
> 3. Open another plain latex file.
> At this point I see this backtrace:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable TeX-master)
>   #[nil "\301\302 !\203
>   \303=\203  \304\305\211\306#\210\307\306!\207" [TeX-master
> file-exists-p buffer-file-name shared TeX-master-file nil t
> TeX-update-style] 4]()
>   run-hooks(find-file-hook)
>   after-find-file(nil t)
>   find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer velo-links.tex>
> "~/graphics/velo-links.tex" nil nil "~/graphics/velo-links.tex"
> (263573 64770))
>   find-file-noselect("~/graphics/velo-links.tex" nil nil t)
>   find-file("~/graphics/velo-links.tex" t)
>   call-interactively(find-file nil nil)
> Since removing the auctex site files out of the site-lisp directory
> resolves the conflict I am assuming the problem stems from my auctex
> installation.
> Can someone help me trouble shoot this?

I can reproduce this., I think your auctex installation is fine. Its
definitely from org.

In org-latex.el Tex-master is set to t to suppress auctex from asking for
that variable while exporting with org-latex..(IIRC there was a discussion and
Carsten made that change)

Some how org leaving that to void at the end of org-latex export (I coundn't
figure out how?).


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