Memnon Anon <> writes:

> Bernt Hansen <> writes:
>>>> (I'm using clean mode, as probably everybody does!)
>>> No.
>> What's this 'clean mode' you're taking about?  I can't find any
>> reference to that on worg.
> ,----[ (info "(org)Clean view") ]
> | 15.8 A cleaner outline view
> | ===========================
> | 
> | Some people find it noisy and distracting that the Org headlines start
> | with a potentially large number of stars, and that text below the
> | headlines is not indented.  While this is no problem when writing a
> | _book-like_ document where the outline headings are really section
> | headings, in a more _list-oriented_ outline, indented structure is a
> | lot cleaner:
> `----

Ah org-indent-mode :)


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