Hi everyone, I am currently trying to allow mobileorg-android to capture new headings into files other than mobileorg.org. It seems to me that org-mobile does not support refiling of nodes. As my experience with lisp programming is very limited, I was hoping someone on this list could add this feature.
I was thinking of something along the lines of an add edit node: F(edit:add) [[node path to parent (olp or id)][Title]] ** Old value ** New value *** TODO New node :tag1:tag2: initial payload ** End of edit Which would result in a new heading to be created under the parent when org-mobile-apply is run. Having "delete nodes" would also be great. Having those would make capturing much more convenient. Everything to support this feature is added to mobileorg-android, it simply needs to be extended to generate the appropriate "add edit nodes". Thanks in advance for any help, Henning Weiss