t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

> Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:
>> "Sebastien Vauban"
>> <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:
>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>> Jonathan Leech-Pepin wrote:
>>>> I ran into exactly that question this morning and managed to figure it out.
>>>> If I use "emacs -q" then C-c & works as expected and is mapped to
>>>> (org-mark-ring-goto & optional N).  However when trying C-c & C-h I find
>>>> out that C-c & is a prefix for a few yasnippet commands:
>>>> ,----
>>>> | `yas/minor-mode' Minor Mode Bindings Starting With C-c &:
>>>> | key binding
>>>> | --- -------
>>>> |
>>>> | C-c & C-f yas/find-snippets
>>>> | C-c & C-n yas/new-snippet
>>>> | C-c & C-s yas/insert-snippet
>>>> | C-c & C-v yas/visit-snippet-file
>>>> `----
>>>> Seems this is another place where yas and org don't get along well together
>>> Something along these lines should work:
>>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>>       ;; remove the binding of `C-c &'
>>>       (add-hook 'yas/minor-mode-hook
>>>                 (lambda ()
>>>                   (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c & C-s") nil)
>>>                   (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c & C-n") nil)
>>>                   (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c & C-v") nil)
>>>                   (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c & C-f") nil)
>>>                 ))
>>> #+end_src
>>> ... but it doesn't. And I don't understand yet why. Maybe the hook in which
>>> this is placed is not the right one?  If anyone sees an obvious reason for
>>> it...
>>> Best regards,
>>>   Seb
>> Thanks for looking into this.  I am not using yas myself - so I did not
>> notice.
>> @Tom: I think, if C-c & is documented, this issue (together with a
>> fix/work-around, as soon as found) should be mentioned there as well.
>> There will be more org- and yas-users.
>> Regards,
>> Andreas
> Aloha Andreas,
> IMO the manual should stick to describing Org Mode, and not get too
> much into working around conflicts with other modes.
Valid point.

>  At the same time,
> I tend to agree with your guess that there are lots of Org Mode users
> who also use yas.
> I wonder what others think about adding a babel key binding for
> org-mark-ring-goto?  C-c C-v something.  This could be documented in the
> babel key bindings, along with a reference there to the standard Org
> Mode binding, C-c &.
> Assuming Seb's attempt finds a solution, then perhaps that could go
> into the FAQ under something like "Why doesn't C-c & work for me?"
Good idea.  That should be "visible enough" to the ones hit by this.

> All the best,
> Tom


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