Thomas Alexander Gerds <> writes:

> here is a (beginner) question regarding the following org-file with
> buffer-local function and keybinding:
> ,----
> | 
> | * Lisp header (C-c C-c to activate)
> | #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp 
> |   (defun blue-file ()
> |     (interactive)
> |     (org-table-insert-row 'below)
> |     (org-table-goto-column 1)
> |     (insert (format-time-string "%d.%m.%Y"))
> |     (org-table-goto-column 2)
> |     (org-table-copy-down 1)
> |     (org-table-goto-column 3)
> |     (org-table-copy-down 1)
> |     (org-table-goto-column 4))
> |   (define-key org-mode-map [(meta return)] 'blue-file)
> | #+END_SRC
> | 
> | #+RESULTS:
> | : blue-file
> | 
> | 
> | | Date | Staff        | Type        | Name | Value |
> | |------+--------------+-------------+------+-------|
> | |      | Anders And   | consulting  |      |       |
> | |      | Anders And   | supervision |      |       |
> | |      | Anders And   | teaching    |      |       |
> | |      | Mickey Mouse | consulting  |      |       |
> | |      | Mickey Mouse | supervision |      |       |
> | |      | Mickey Mouse | teaching    |      |       |
> `----
> now, I would like to tell org to evaluate the lisp code at startup, when
> the org-file is opened. can this be achieved? particularly, is there a
> startup special line which tells org to evaluate the lisp src block?  I
> could add a suitable function to org-mode-hook, but is this the
> recommended way?
> also, I would like to make org-mode-map buffer-local ... but certainly
> this is not an orgmode question.
> suggestions/help are very much appreciated!
> Tomy

There is not currently any support for evaluating specific code blocks
on buffer open.  You could move your elisp code into a
buffer-local-variable block (which can house functions) and which are
evaluated when buffers are opened.  I believe all changes made in such
blocks are buffer local, so that may be your best bet.

See [[info:elisp#File%20Local%20Variables][info:elisp#File Local Variables]]


Eric Schulte

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