Hi all Real life took precedence for a while and also I realized that making the step towards org mode would be a rather more substantial leap than I had anticipated. Given how dissatisfied I had become with the more "traditional" solutions to the problem one would expect a shift in paradigms though.
This is to do more with the underlying emacs rather than org mode itself but sadly one cannot have one without the other. I hope that I will learn to appreciate one as well as the other but my previous exposure to emacs was limited to one mind-blowingly powerful major emacs mode which I treated strictly as a tool (RALEE by S. Griffiths-Jones), ignoring the emacs specifics for the most part. It seems that now is the time to dive into emacs for real, and org mode is the culprit... At the moment decades of muscle memory get in the way in accomplishing even simple tasks, but Aquamacs provides some basic familiarity and alleviates at least some of the pain. For the moment I will limit myself to one project notebook with embedded todos and go from there. This is BTW the main reason I asked for feedback from fellow scientists (no offense to anyone else). GTD and other task management systems are generally discussed in a way that implies that most tasks simply appear out of nowhere presumably from your superior hence little thought is devoted to WHY or even IF it should be done. The thing about science is that we tend to grow our ideas as well as create the market for them. I have no real experience in the corporate world, maybe there is a difference maybe not, but the context of tasks is very important hence the idea of having it available when needed but hidden when not required is one of the most appealing features of org mode for me now. I will probably be around and asking silly questions for a while. Thanks for the friendly welcome and your constructive tips, all of which I studied most attentively but it may take a while. May the force be with me :-) Christoph