2012/1/31 Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk>:
> Eric Schulte <eric.schu...@gmx.com> writes:
> [...]
>> File Local Variables [1] make it possible to explicitly specify the
>> values of variables from within the text of a .org file.  This can be
>> placed in a single line at the top of a file for small changes or in a
>> larger section at the end of the file.
> Eric,
> this doesn't always seem to work, at least not for me.  BIND always
> works but certain org variables seem to be ignored when set using local
> file variables.
> The variables I refer to are often, maybe always (?), related to export
> functions.  My gut feeling is that this has something to do with a copy
> of the file being made for the export and maybe emacs not getting a
> chance to set local variables for that copy?  Grasping at straws here,
> mind you ;-)

For #+BIND the org manual is probably not quite clear.

The "Concept Index" page says:
: * #+BIND:                                Export options.      (line  19)

"12.2 Export options" says:
:      #+BIND:        lisp-var lisp-val, e.g.:
org-export-latex-low-levels itemize
:                     You need to confirm using these, or configure

So basically, #+BIND only applies to export, though the manual maybe
slightly underemphasizes that fact.

Did you try the general emacs syntax for file variables, Eric Schulte
mentioned? [1] For me that worked (except that non-safe variables
require confirmation in order to avoid text files executing harmful
code). The emacs-documentation doesn't mention it, but apparently this
works also in shebang'ed files, by moving the single line form (`-*-
... -*-') to the second line. [2]

[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/File-Variables.html
[2] http://www.lugaru.com/man/File.Variables.html

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