>>>>> Puneeth Chaganti <puncha...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> https://github.com/punchagan/blog-files

> I've added a short README that tries to include the things that you
> are looking for.  But, it's something I wrote up quickly.  Feel free
> to ask any specific questions.

I've been trying to use it, but I keep running into issues with

The latest one, is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "reprise.py", line 258, in <module>
  File "reprise.py", line 140, in generate_tag_cloud
    maxFreq = max(t['freq'] for t in tag_freq)
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence

The code for this, is:

def generate_tag_cloud(entries, template):
    tags = sum([e['tags'] for e in entries], [])
    tag_freq = [{'tag': tag, 'freq': tags.count(tag)} for tag in set(tags)
                if tags.count(tag) > 3]
    maxFreq = max(t['freq'] for t in tag_freq)

I've debugged this with pdb (`M-x pdb'), and tag_freq is empty.

If I'm interpreting the python code correctly (I don't know python...)
only those tags that have more than 3 occurrences will be in the
tag_freq collection...?

My problem is that I have only one article, my first, so obviously the
tag_freq collection will stay emtpy, and reprise.py will crash...

I tried removing the test, ie.

def generate_tag_cloud(entries, template):
    tags = sum([e['tags'] for e in entries], [])
    tag_freq = [{'tag': tag, 'freq': tags.count(tag)} for tag in set(tags)]
    maxFreq = max(t['freq'] for t in tag_freq)

but that just gave me a different error (division by zero):

  File "reprise.py", line 257, in <module>
  File "reprise.py", line 147, in generate_tag_cloud
    'freq': t['freq']} for t in tag_freq]
  File "reprise.py", line 144, in normalize
    return min_r + (val - min_f) * (max_r - min_r) / float (max_f - min_f)

Any ideas of how to proceed?


- Steinar

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