>> Also, I very much agree that a "near exact replica" of the http:// >> rsquared.stat.uni-muenchen.de/index.rhtml for OrgMode would be great. > Yes! Any takers?!? > ... Eric questioned: "From looking at the fairly terse web site for R^2 it is not clear to me exactly what the system includes (I'm sure I'm missing something obvious). It seems to be the addition of a packaging system over-top of R source files. What would a potential Org-mode based system provide which is not already possible with Org-mode text files, Org-mode publishing and a version control repository." ...
* I mostly agree with your statements. Good challenges. I did more investigation: This link to the paper that "Friedrich Leischa, , Manuel Eugsterb, Torsten Hothornb" put together may make things clearer--this paper really seems to be the justification/impetus for the R^2 website--it has made things clearer and more exciting for me: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050911001232 <=> "Executable Papers for the R Community: The R2 Platform for Reproducible Research" ** So papers in R (and maybe other languages--maybe languages run thru Babel in OrgMode) could be "executed" by people in the community--one could verify research studies and papers interactively, ad hoc. *** They mention in the paper that they use several key tools: "R: the lingua franca of statistics and data analysis Sweave: the most popular format for executable papers in the R community CRAN: package building and checking system has been developed for more then a decade and copes successfully with the exponential growth of the number of packages" **** Weave/CWEB/CWEAVE/CTANGLE=>NOWEB (Knuth) comes to mind here--i.e. Literate Programming ***** http://www-cs-staff.stanford.edu/~uno/cweb.html => CTANGLE converts a source file foo.w to a compilable program file foo.c; CWEAVE converts a source file foo.w to a prettily-printable and cross-indexed document file foo.tex. * Exactly the paper can be found at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science\ ?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_cid=280203&_user=10&_pii=S1877050911001232&\ _check=y&_origin=article&_zone=toolbar&_coverDate=\ 31-Dec-2011&view=c&originContentFamily=serial&wchp=\ dGLbVlS-zSkWb&md5=4681e5babd7822f321d2a0dd3a9f11cf/\ 1-s2.0-S1877050911001232-main.pdf * I agree Eric that the website is a bit terse; but, for the most part I was excited about (and I think Stephen is interested in--he suggested it is something the community might do) the general ideas, the structure of the website's process "OrgMode=>TeX paper in"-->...process...-->Executable/verifiable code interaction a user might experience/stored on-line for researchers (one thing I always enjoy a lot when working with e.g. R/S-PLUS and PYTHON's interactive CLI, etc.) ** They even publish the minute details of the settings on the machines--the local environment variables, etc.--the devil is in the details! * Thanks for the link Eric to your OrgMode "scraps"--they could be very useful: http://eschulte.me/org-scraps/ * Lastly, most importantly I'll repeat the link and query to the community: ... >> Also, I very much agree that a "near exact replica" of the http://rsquared.stat.uni-muenchen.de/index.rhtml >>for OrgMode would be great. > Yes! Any takers?!? ---(Stephen Eglen)