Am 04.01.2012 11:27, schrieb Bastien:
> Hi Rainer,
> Rainer Stengele <> writes:
>> I just pulled and checked but cannot see a change.
>> Did you check in the fix already?
> Yes I did.
> Try with 
>   (setq org-special-ctrl-a/e nil)
> C-e goes *after* the end of the invisible region and TAB will do nothing
> here, either in a folded subtree or in a folded drawer.
> With
>   (setq org-special-ctrl-a/e 'reversed)
> C-e goes *right before* the end of the invisible region and TAB will
> unfold as expected, both in a folded subtree or in a folded drawer.
> This behavior is more consistent than the previous one.  But you need 
> to set `org-special-ctrl-a/e' according to your needs.
> HTH,
Hi Bastien and Carsten,

I do have
(setq org-special-ctrl-a/e 'reversed)
and it works as expected when jumping to the end of line with C-e.
But I do use cursor keys to move one line down.
Point at end of line and moving down one line with cursor down I cannot unfold 
the block by pressing TAB.
Is there a chance to get this done when using the cursor movement?


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