Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> Rainer Thiel <r.th...@uni-jena.de> writes:
>> I had noticed Org Mode v. 7.8 integrates Jambunathan's ODT exporter
>> that I had used successfully when it was still labelled as a
>> contribution.
>> After installing org-mode 7.8 on my Windows XP machine, I can't seem
>> to be able to use the ODT exporter, though.  Trying to do so, I am
>> getting the error message "Cannot find factory styles file. Check
>> package dir layout".  I have set the variable org-odt-styles-dir to
>> C:/Programme/Emacs/site-lisp/org/styles where OrgOdtStyles.xml and
>> OrgOdtContentTemplate.xml reside, to no avail.
> May I know how you have installed Org on your machine? Is it ELPA or
> make <something>?
> Do this: M-x locate-library RET org-odt RET
> Note the directory reported. (Make sure that it is the along the
> expected lines. If this is not the case, you may have to remove the old
> installation.)
> For things to work properly, org-odt-styles-dir should be
> <dir-reported-above>/../etc/styles/*.xml.
> Note that copying by hand shouldn't be necessary nor should you set the
> org-odt-styles-dir explicitly by hand. Everything should happen
> auto-magically.

Make sure your Makefile has the following changes:


> Jambunathan K.
>> Any ideas what I maay have overlooked?
>> Many thanks in advance
>> Rainer Thiel

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