I realy like the org-mode. I use it for my school work. I have a questions
about litle things like :

1. It is possible when i export a org file in pdf to make a title page
verticaly centered.

2. It is possible when i export a org file in pdf It is possible to do a
page brake after the table of content

3. It is possible when i export a org file in pdf It is possible give the
text a interline of 1.5 for certain part of the text.

4. When i make table i use table - create (ex: 7x3). It is possible to
merge cell like in word(example first row 1 colomn second row 4 column)

5. It is possible when i export a org file in pdf It is possible to set the
font size

6. Finaly it is possible to make a table that i use a lot a form that i can
fill and it is possible with i don't know a short-cut or something to call
this form when i need it.

Please excuse my english, i'm french

Posté par Steve Prud'Homme
514 466-3951

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