On 12/16/2011 08:53 AM, Herbert Sitz wrote:

> This has been discussed before and even if performance was not
> a problem there are reasons for not regenerating while you're in
> agenda.

OK. May be are right, and update agenda on buffer save or get used to
update it manually is better, but what are the main reasons not to
update agenda by buffer change (except performance)? Could you give me
a link to that discussion?

> There's a function that will regenerate the agenda after an idle time
> of x seconds: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.html#sec-1-8-11
I think http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.html#sec-1-8-12 (refresh the
agenda view regularly) is more suitable. I see the only one reason for
regular agenda update --- keep "now" line up to date and run update
every minute. But how to synchronize this with minute start (zero second
of each minute)?

> I assume it could be modified to check for changed files on disk, if you 
> wanted to use that as trigger for regeneration.
Via after-save-hook?


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