On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> wrote:
> Hi!
> I got a nice idea on how a very easy to use Org-mode blog system
> should look like.
> Currently, I am using Serendipidy with web-based editor to write
> HTML. Org-mode enabled me to write blog entries and export it to
> HTML. Then I paste the HTML and have to modify minor things (images,
> ...) a bit. I guess the time from finishing the Org-mode entry to
> the final blog entry is approximately ten to twenty minutes.
> Overall, I do not want to do this process when I just want to
> quickly write a view paragraphs within a couple of minutes. I need
> a workflow with much less annoying overhead.


I agree with you about the "Much less annoying overhead".

I love the org-mode format, but I do not like the existing solutions
that others are using to blog with org-mode.  The main reasons is that
it seems like a lot of overhead to create the look & feel of the site
and how blog posts are shown, etc.

So, I've been using Jekyll, and have found it to be okay, once you have it
set up the way you want.  Now that I have it set up the way I want, I want to
just use org-mode formatted files, instead of markdown.

After some googling, I found this project, which looks promising:

It's just a small fork of Jekyll, that uses org-ruby to find *.org
files in your project
and convert it to HTML.

The main advantages that I can see are:

  - Edit my blog posts in Emacs or Vim, using Org-mode format, which I
like better than Markdown.
  - Jekyll has an outstanding feature set, including auto-preview.  So
I can just run jekyll --watch (or something like that) in my blog's
directory and it will automatically detect changes and re-render the
  - Jekyll has lots of meta-data tags (I think they're called YAML
front matter and liquid templates). and I'll make sure that org-ruby
can parse these tags as well.

I will see if it works for me, and then report back to the mailing list :-)


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