Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte wrote:
> "Sebastien Vauban" <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:
>> Eric Schulte wrote:
>>> The standard-code-block-syntax branch has been merged into the master
>>> branch of the git repository.  This brings two much discussed changes to
>>> Org-mode, first a standard set of keywords for code blocks and second
>>> the ability to accumulate properties by appending a "+" to the end of
>>> the property name.  For much more information on both of these changes
>>> see the relevant commits [1] and [2] respectively.  A function for
>>> updating existing Org-mode files to use the new standardized code block
>>> keywords is inline below [3], additionally I've updated my collection of
>>> Org-mode code block scraps [4].
>> Nice to see it's finally in!
> Thanks, me too.
>> However, I have to report a _tiny_ feature of applying your function:
>>> [3]  Function to update Org-mode buffers to use the new code block syntax.
>>>      (defun update-org-buffer ()
>>>        "Update an Org-mode buffer to the new data, code block and call line 
>>> syntax."
>>>        (interactive)
>>>        (save-excursion
>>>          (flet ((to-re (lst) (concat "^[ \t]*#\\+" (regexp-opt lst t)
>>>                                      "\\(\\[\\([[:alnum:]]+\\)\\]\\)?\\:[ 
>>> \t]*"))
>>>                 (update (re new)
>>>                         (goto-char (point-min))
>>>                         (while (re-search-forward re nil t)
>>>                           (replace-match new nil nil nil 1))))
>>>            (let ((old-re (to-re '("RESULTS" "DATA" "SRCNAME" "SOURCE")))
>>>                  (lob-re (to-re '("LOB")))
>>>                  (case-fold-search t))
>>>              (update old-re "name")
>>>              (update lob-re "call")))))
>> When run on a buffer containing:
>>     #+property: var  foo=1
>>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>      foo
>>     #+end_src
>>     #+results:
>>     : 1
>> it will translate `#+results' to `#+name':
>>     #+property: var  foo=1
>>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>      foo
>>     #+end_src
>>     #+name:
>>     : 1
>> Further evaluations of that *un-named* code block will leave the `#+name'
>> line.
>> To get back the expected `#+results' line, you have to manually remove that
>> results line, and re-evaluate the code block.
> This, given that results and name are technically still synonyms this
> isn't necessarily a bug

I fully agree. That's why I used the term "tiny feature" ;-)

> however I do agree that a version of the functions which left the #+results:
> lines immediately following code blocks unchanged would be preferable.

I would say "left the #+results: lines immediately following *un-named* code
blocks", as we would want `#+name:' to be used in all the other cases (that
is, for results of named code blocks).

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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