Hi Eric,

On 2011-11-03, Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But allowing a top-level :PROPERTIES: drawer with properties
>> whose scope is the entire file looks like a good idea to me.
> I don't see what this would add, how would this solve the need for
> multi-line properties, and how would it differ from IMO being uglier
> than a series of #+PROPERTY: lines.

(Your quote is from Bastien, not me.)

The idea the way I put it (which is with a top level entry to hold the
properties drawer) is, as I stated, possibly too radical for the
thread.  Possibly too radical period.  So feel free to ignore it.

However, let me clarify because I think you might misunderstand.

The idea is not to augment syntax, but reduce it.  Or, if backward
compatibility is desired, then reduce the need for future
ambiguous-scope syntax -- which is a currently unresolved problem.

In my view #+ is uglier than existing property syntax -- which has to
exist anyway because it is used for all sorts of things.  You can't
get rid of it.  (And shouldn't.)

The idea is that a single top-level task, marked as such, acts as if
it were a superlevel, and contains ALL information needed for the file

So there will be no need for #+property .

It is consistent syntax with the rest of Org, unlike file-level or
rest-of-file #+ syntax.  It is less ambiguous in scope.  It is clear
what it means.

It is foldable.  It is searchable the same way other entries are searchable.

The agenda can show it if you want it to (unlike #+whatever).

More consistent all the way around IMO.

If I were designing Org from scratch, I probably would not suggest
this.  Instead, I would simply disallow file-level anything.  If you
want that, just use a top-level task.  a/b/c -- you know, normal
outline.  And then export that top level subtree.

To me, and this is admittedly radical, file-level operations should be

But as a compromise, since a lot of people do file-level operations, I
am proposing a dedicated top level place that acts as if it is
hierarchically above everything else even though it is not.  That
allows consistency better than #+property IMO.

I am talking about the stuff at the top of the file (title,
properties, etc.)  Not blocks etc.  Those are reasonable elsewhere.

As for multiple-line properties, you can use the syntax you're
currently discussing to accumulate in the properties drawer, or even
use a syntax to simply allow multiple-line properties in a properties
drawer.  Either way.

Again, probably too radical for this thread, but I wanted to clarify.

Hope that clarifies.


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