Carsten Dominik <> wrote:

> On 5.11.2011, at 03:03, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > Jude DaShiell <> wrote:
> > 
> >> I needed to enter information for two dates in org-mode and went into 
> >> calendar using c-c+! and got the current date as expected then hit c-b to 
> >> move the date to yesterday and pointer remained on today's date.  So I 
> >> ended up hitting <cr> on today's date and editing it in the actual org 
> >> file and filling the rest of my entry in after it.  Then I repeated the 
> >> operation for today and entered today's information.  I was a bit 
> >> surprised that the date was locked like that once calendar mode was 
> >> entered but managed a workaround anyway.
> >> 
> > 
> > I guess your problem is that the calendar is indeed popped up, but the 
> > cursor
> > is still in the daytime prompt in the minibuffer. As Bernt points out, 
> > typing
> > -2 at that point gets you to the right date.
> > 
> > The calendar seems to be for inveterate mouser users, not keyboard
> > types: even if I C-x o to the calendar window, the cursor ends up not on
> > today's date but off to the right somewhere and I get an error message:
> > 
> > ,----
> > | Error in post-command-hook (org-read-date-display): (buffer-read-only 
> > *Calendar*)
> > `----
> > 
> > Not sure what's going on there: I expected that after I switched windows
> > to the Calendar, my cursor would be on today's date.
> The popup calender in Org is a special construct that hijacks key presses
> so that all control can be done from the minibuffer, without switching to the
> calender buffer itself.  This has side effects if you try to move
> into the calendar buffer window anyway.
> Bernt showed one way to specify the date.  You can also click on the date
> to get it selected immediately.  Or you can use S-left twice to get the date
> selected with the shadow cursor in the calendar window.  There are more
> key presses that manipulate the calendar window from the minibuffer, see

Thank you - time to hit the books (again). Of all people, I should have
known better than to post without checking the manual first.


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