Greetings. I'm curious about the process of executing a program that is compiled from a source block in Org-mode.
Some background: I was playing with some C++ code (a slight generalization of some code I found in a book). I wanted to use the "assign" method to initialize a vector, as: vector<int> testVec(5, 0); testVec.assign({2, 4, 6, 8, 10}); It turns out that to do this one has to tell g++ (in my case) to use the latest version of the C++ standard. I discovered that I could do this via: (setq org-babel-C++-compiler "g++ -std=c++0x") This got me to wondering if there were any similar hooks that relate to running the program once it's compiled. I looked through the list of org-babel* variables, but didn't find anything obvious. So what does happen when I hit C-c C-c in, say, a cpp source-code block? The contents of the file are evidently written to a temporary file, after which the command specified by org-babel-C++-compiler is run on that file. The results of the compilation are stuck some place -- another temporary file, I suppose. Then the second, executable file is run and the results collected. What command runs the file? Is there any control from Org-mode over this second stage of the process? Thanks, -- Mike