Hi Darlan, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote: > It's excellent that now babel understands multiple values in the "var" > property (I was one of the people that wanted this), but "There Is One More > Thing". > > Would it be feasible to inherit variables from parent sub-trees? > Effectively, I'd like to append new values in lower level sub-trees, but > AFAIK setting the var property in a sub-tree will still replace the value > set in the parent sub-tree.
#+PROPERTY: var foo="level0" * Overview Global vars and local-to-this-subtree vars seem correctly handled. Effectively, vars set in higher level trees are not passed correctly to the code block. * Test code :PROPERTIES: :var: bar="level1" :END: ** Using the different vars :PROPERTIES: :var: baz="level2" :END: #+srcname: test #+begin_src sh :var foo="valueforthiscodeblock" echo $foo echo $bar echo $baz #+end_src #+results: test | valueforthiscodeblock | | | | level2 | As you can see, the "bar" variable is unknown to the code block. Best regards, Seb -- Sebastien Vauban