This mail replaces my earlier mail.
I discarded the git setup and I tried org-mode + org-odt by using ONLY
the ELPA tarballs.
On 09/10/2011 21:51, Jambunathan K wrote:
Have you been able to build the ELPA tarball?
If so, where can I find it?
I have uploaded a new org-odt-20111010.tar here.
,----[ C-h v package-archives RET ]
| package-archives is a variable defined in `package.el'.
| Its value is
| (("gnu" . "")
| ("org-odt" .
The above gives me the error: "404 - Cannot find file".
So, I used:
As my emacs-version is "GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
of 2009-11-04 on LENNART-69DE564 (patched)",
I'm using package-install-file to install the ELPA tarballs.
I downloaded the latest tarball from Org-mode repo. i.e.: org-20111009.tar
package-install-file "~/.emacs.d/org-20111009.tar"
when downloaded gives me: packages_org-odt-20111010.tar
mv ~/.emacs.d/packages_org-odt-20111010.tar ~/.emacs.d/org-odt-20111010.tar
package-install-file "~/.emacs.d/org-odt-20111010.tar"
The test file is in this directory:
Let me know if you run in to any issues.
In order to not use nxhtml that is part of EmacsW32, I've set
nxhtml-load to nil. This is irrelevant, because setting nxhtml-load to
t doesn't change the results.
This results in:
Loading nxml-mode...done
Using schema
When trying the c-c c-e O on, I get the following in *Messages*:
Export buffer:
Exporting to ODT using org-lparse...
Using vacuous schema
c:/DOCUME~1/GCVD3476/LOCALS~1/Temp/odt-30312juB/content.xml and
c:/Documents and Settings/GCVD3476/Local
Settings/Temp/odt-30312juB/content.xml are the same file
LaTeX to MathML converter not available. Using verbatim instead. [8 times]
org-babel-exp processing... [3 times]
Position saved to mark ring, go back with C-c &.
executing Org code block...
"* Some Appointment
SCHEDULED: <2010-11-17 Wed>"
org-babel-exp processing... [3 times]
LaTeX to MathML converter not available. Using verbatim instead.
Embedding ./org-mode-unicorn.png as Images/0001.png ...
Not a PNG file:
Embedding ./org-mode-unicorn.png as Images/0002.png ...
Not a PNG file:
Embedding ./org-mode-unicorn.png as Images/0003.png ...
Embedding ./org-mode-unicorn.png as Images/0004.png ...
Not a PNG file:
Embedding ./org-mode-unicorn.png as Images/0005.png ...
Not a PNG file:
Found table.el-type table in the source org file. table.el doesn't
support ODT backend. Skipping ahead ... [2 times]
Using schema
apply: Wrong number of arguments: #[(label category seqno fmt1 fmt2) "
[label save-match-data-internal fmt2 category seqno fmt1 signal
cl-assertion-failed match-data ((byte-code "ÁÂ\""
[save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) ...] 9], 2
Here is the *Backtrace*:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments #[(label
category seqno fmt1 fmt2) "\204
<skipping some garbage>
[label save-match-data-internal fmt2 category seqno fmt1 signal
cl-assertion-failed match-data ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207"
[save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3))
org-odt-format-tags ("<text:sequence-ref text:reference-format=\"%s\"
text:ref-name=\"%s\">" . "</text:sequence-ref>") format-spec 101 110
format "%d"] 9] 2)
org-odt-format-label-reference("category-and-value" "%e %n")
apply(org-odt-format-label-reference ("category-and-value" "%e %n"))
apply(org-odt-end-export nil)
org-do-lparse(nil hidden nil nil nil nil)
org-lparse("odt" "odt" nil hidden)
org-lparse-and-open("odt" "odt" nil)
call-interactively(org-export nil nil)
What did I do incorrectly?
Am I missing some configuration?
BTW: when I used org-jambu.git AND nxhtml that is part of EmacsW32,
I managed to generate a file that was misformed at:
" Please refer to @<text:sequence-ref
text:reference-format="category-and-value" text:ref-name="<div
<p><img src="1024" alt="fig:1024" width="300" height="300" /></p>
</div>"><div class="figure">
<p><img src="1024" alt="fig:1024" width="300" height="300" /></p>
</div></text:sequence-ref> for further information.
I suppose this is due to the schema that comes with nxhtml in EmacsW32.