At Thu, 22 Sep 2011 10:13:18 -0400,
Dave Abrahams wrote:
> on Thu Sep 22 2011, David Maus <> wrote:
> >> > The link escaping was changed in November 2010, maybe the link in
> >> > question is an old one?
> >>
> >> Yep.
> >
> > Good. This explains it.
> I think it's unfortunate that link escaping should have been changed in
> a backward-incompatible way.  Seems like the "right" thing to do would
> have been to add a fallback to the old interpretation if the new one
> failed.

True, but the problem is that AFAIK there is now way to
programmatically check if the new escpaing/unescaping fails. There is
this function:

| Starting with version 7.5 Org uses percent escaping more consistently
| and with a modified algorithm to determine which characters to escape
| and how.
| As a side effect this modified behaviour might break existing links if
| they contain a sequence of characters that look like a percent escape
| (e.g. [0-9A-Fa-f]{2}) but are in fact not a percent escape.
| The function below can be used to perform a preliminary check for such
| links in an Org mode file. It will run through all links in the file
| and issue a warning if it finds a percent escape sequence which is not
| in old Org's list of known percent escapes.

that might at least tell you if there is a problematic link in an Org
mode buffer. What to do if the func finds a possibly problematic
sequence depends on the link. In the "%dave"-case escaping the percent
sign (% => %25) could be sufficient.

  -- David
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