On Sun, Sep 25 2011, Samuel Wales wrote:


> My goal is simple: go through entries in the already-built agenda and
> dim anything that has a descendent in the same agenda.
> Hierarchical sorting is for the future.  And it is undesirable if you
> do not have the horizontal real estate to indent.

Okay, what you want is simpler than I had assumed. My goal isn't really
to make something that dims ancestors, though: it's to give users a
number of choices for indicating hierarchical relationships between
entries in agenda views. That ought to encompass your needs, but it
probably will end up being a little more complicated.


> I'm not sure why any agenda view can't use these features.  Certainly
> for my goal, but presumably for yours also?

The main problem is that the codebase is very scattered, and there are a
large number of different functions that produce and display agenda-like
entries. To make this (for whatever value of "this") work for all agenda
views, it will take quite a bit of poking about, and making little
design decisions. I want to make sure that the general strategy is
acceptable before I put that work in.


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 of 2011-04-04 on rothera, modified by Debian
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