Dave Abrahams <d...@boostpro.com> writes:

> on Sat Sep 17 2011, Bernt Hansen <bernt-AT-norang.ca> wrote:
>> Dave Abrahams <d...@boostpro.com> writes:
>>> Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
>>> what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See
>>>      http://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html#Feedback
>>> Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> I have the following in my properties drawer:
>>>    :Message:  [[message://4e6b5b46.50...@josuttis.de][Review of "The C++ 
>>> Standard Library, 2nd Edition"]]
>>> The rendering looks like the attached screenshot, though:
>>> Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0 
>>> AppKit 1038.36)
>>>  of 2011-09-12 on pluto.luannocracy.com
>>> Package: Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.292.g0d4e8.dirty)
>> This works fine for me on Linux in a minimal emacs setup.
>> Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.297.g64784.dirty)
>> GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.0) of 2010-12-11
>> on raven, modified by Debian
>> I have strikethrough disabled in my normal setup
>> (http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html#sec-16-4) but my minimal emacs test
>> doesn't include this setting.
>> Can you check if it is something in your local configuration that is
>> causing this problem?
> Heh, it even happens with emacs -Q if you have a "+" character in the
> previous line (which is required with my .emacs as well to reproduce the
> problem):
> ** TODO whatever
>    :Date:     Sat, 10 Sep 2011 14:42:46 +0200
>    :Message: [[message://4e6b5b46.50...@josuttis.de][Review of "The
> C++ Standard Library, 2nd Edition"]],
> [[message://4e748b89.8080...@josuttis.de][{libbok2} Updated files: io,
> i18n, container adapters]]
>    :END:

Ah, I didn't have the + on the previous line earlier.  I can reproduce
this with the above example.  Personally I would just turn off the
strike-through emphasis to 'fix' this problem but maybe the regexp that
matches emphasis on a line shouldn't allow newlines to match.

I'm not sure what other side effects this change might have.


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