Hi Thomas,

t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

> Thanks for adding this.  I work with literal links and this potentially
> saves time and effort.
> I wonder if I'm using it correctly?  In .emacs I set
> org-link-display-descriptive nil and have:
> --------
> org-link-display-descriptive is a variable defined in `org.el'.
> Its value is nil
> Documentation:
> Non-nil means Org will display descriptive links.
> E.g. [[http://orgmode.org][Org website]] will be displayed as
> "Org Website", hiding the link itself and just displaying its
> description.  When set to `nil', Org will display the full links
> literally.
> You can interactively set the value of this variable using the
> `org-toggle-link-display'.
> --------
> But when I open an Org-mode buffer I find the links displayed
> descriptively.  

The initialization of the link display relied on 
`org-descriptive-links' and I discover this variable (doh!)

So I've now remove `org-link-display-descriptive' and use
`org-descriptive-links' instead for backward compatibility.  

Please use this variable too and let me know if things are
all right now.



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