Hi Memnon and Eric,

Memnon Anon <gegendosenflei...@googlemail.com> writes:

> Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I believe 10 lines is the cutoff for whether a patch may be considered
>> "tiny" and thus whether it requires copyright attribution to the FSF.
> ,----[ http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html ]
> | If your patch is against a file that is part of Emacs, then your total
> | contribution (all patches you submit) should change less than 20 lines.
> | If you contribute more, you have to assign the copyright of your
> | contribution to the Free Software Foundation (see below).
> `----

Emacs says "fewer than 15 lines":


  We can accept small changes (roughly, fewer than 15 lines) without
  legal papers.  Anything more substantial requires a copyright
  disclaimer or assignment (the latter is preferred, especially for
  larger changes).  Both of these involved filling out a short form and
  filing it with the FSF.  The process is straightforward -- contact us
  at emacs-de...@gnu.org to obtain the relevant forms.

I've updated worg/org-contribute.org to reflect this.


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