column-view gets confused in agenda buffers. Please try my minimal example: My example: =========== #+begin_src org * NEXTACTION [#B] Test :Tag: SCHEDULED: <2011-08-07 So> #+end_src My config: ========== #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-columns-default-format "%65ITEM(Task) %TODO %3PRIORITY %TAGS") (setq org-todo-keywords (quote ("NEXTACTION" "WAITING" "MAYBE" "DONE"))) #+end_src My commands: ============ C-c a L --> Agenda buffer C-c C-x C-c --> column-view invoked inside Agenda buffer The Result: =========== NEXTACTION | B | NEXTACTION [#B] Test | :Tag: | | | 2011-08-07 So | The Bug: ======== Unfortunately the column ITEM (3rd one) does not get cleaned up from priority "[#B]" and status "NEXTACTION". Looking for help, Christian -- Christian Schmidt mailto: c...@canau.de