By using the indent option everything seems to work just fine. I noticed
that the PROPERTIES block is not indented, but that is not an issue. I can
already move from tomboy to org, but I will test any future version of


At Wed, 10 Aug 2011 13:43:22 -0500,
attila <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA384
> On 08/10/2011 12:01 PM, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
> > 
> >[snip]
> > I have found one problem that prevents me from converting my notes
> > correctly, though. In tomboy I have many notes where I use "*" as bullet
> > item in the body starting in the first column. These bullet items are then
> > interpreted as level-1 headings in the final file. This can be
> > solved by indenting the body content of each converted note. Org-mode will
> > then interpret the items as actual items instead of headlines.
> Good point.  I had some issues with a couple of notes and had not yet
> realized that the problem is the very one you're pointing out until
> just now.  Thanks.  Check in on that github repository later in the
> day or tomorrow and it should be fixed.
> > 
> > Also, tomboy doesn't really support tags. It only allows you to group
> > notes. I think this maps better as the CATEGORY property in org-mode,
> > instead of a TAGS property. But that's just my opinion.
> The Tomboy XML markup places the "notebook" (category) in a section
> labeled "tags" like so:
>   <tags>
>    <tag>notebook-name</tag>
>   </tags>
> I just transliterated to orgmode.  Upon reflection I think you're
> right - what Tomboy means by this is more properly what orgmode means
> by CATEGORY.  I'll make this configurable in the next version and make
> the default CATEGORY.  In general my handling of properties could be
> more configurable.  I am not yet sophisticated enough in my use of
> orgmode to do anything interesting with drawers or properties but I'm
> starting to think of ways to use them...
> > --
> > Darlan
> Pax, --A
> - -- 
> | 0x4FFCBB9C | hack("free") or die;
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